
As spectroscopists, it is our great pleasure to be able to maintain our headquaters in the Boltzmann street, named after the great physicist Ludwig Boltzmann. Boltzmann defended the atomic theory against the Zeitgeist and established the staistical models and methods, the bread and butter of our craft.
LIStrat would not be possible without the support of key institutions, that help us on an organisatorial, financial and representative level. First, we'd like to thank the university of Vienna, especially the faculty of chemistry, with whom we share a tight connection.
University of Vienna
We are extremely grateful for the possibility to maintain our headquarters at the institute for physical chemistry, close to the students whom we offer supervision for their thesis', close to the collegues with whom we have fruitful discussions, close to the frontier of science and technology, our mutual interest that drew us together. Furthermore, the access to shared facilities and the trained personel to operate them presents an invaluable asset to our endevour.
In the run-up for the INIT's start-up boot camp 2016, LIStrat sucessfully competed against 300 teams. To this day, we benefit from the exchange with their industrial and entrepreneur network.
In 2018, we entered the AWS Preeseed Program and were granted a substential six-figure grant.