Stand-alone System
Our team has been working hard to evolve the lab-sized setup into a full-blown, industrial-grade and enclosed stand-alone system.

Stand-alone System, doors closed.

Stand-alone System, doors open.

Inline System
As a company we focus on the needs of our customers and try hard to fit our solutions into the challenging environments and minimising interference with the established infrastructure and proceedings.

Since the inline system adheres to industrial standardised interfaces, it can be mounted above a conveyor belt, on a Cartesian portal or on a standard six-axes-robot.
Thermal Barrier Coatings
Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) are advanced materials systems usually applied to metallic surfaces, such as on gas turbine or aero-engine parts, operating at elevated temperatures, as a form of exhaust heat management. These 100 μm to 2 mm coatings serve to insulate components from large and prolonged heat loads by utilizing thermally insulating materials which can sustain an appreciable temperature difference between the load-bearing alloys and the coating surface.

In this project, we have been verifying the advertised coating thickness, the homogeneity as well as structural recognition. As a follow up, we are working on the porosity analysis and diffusion processes within the coatings.
Sintered Tungsten Carbide
Tungsten Carbide (WC) being very abrasion resistant is used to reinforce e.g. cutting or milling tools, car breaks or surgical tools. Parameterisation of the sintering process is done empirically and it is hard to assure homogeneity and layer thickness in this stochastic process.
Our team prospects a fast and conclusive moitoring solution that in-line during the sintering process.